Abstract: Telecommunications and Networking Some Issues, Trends and Future Directions

Telecommunications and Networking are advancing at an unprecedented pace and are encompassing all aspects of human life.  The most important innovations in this area in recent times have been (i) the Internet and the Web (ii) Mobile Telecommunications and (iii) Microelectronics and VLSI.  I propose to discuss some major developments, issues, trends and future directions in next generation telecommunication and wireless networks.  During the discussion, some research topics would also be high lighted. The networks are migrating from circuit switching to packet switching to cater for multimedia information services and the wireless and mobile systems are poised to provide all broadband services normally available in wired systems.  Such objectives bring many challenges which need appropriate solutions. Expansion of telecommunication and mobile services in India has been remarkable.  It is necessary for this country to plan for future considering global scenarios of developments and trends. Education, research and manpower development with an eye on future are essential.