SIG Embedded Programming

Special Interest Group ~ Embedded (hereafter SIG~Embedded) was established in Jan’ 2011 by IEEE Student Branch, DA-IICT. Embedded Systems are the true products and testaments of ICT for which our institute has been the pioneer. Embedded System combines the nitty-gritty of hardware embedded with the functionalities of software which makes it most custom and customizable products. Embedded Systems have always captured the imaginations of students in DA-IICT. IEEE Student Branch, DA-IICT wanted to promote the cult of embedded systems in the student community and thus the concept and subsequently SIG~Embedded was established.

SIG~Embedded has been organizing sessions on theory and practical approaches for embedded systems since.
SIG~Embedded plans to improve and diversify its activities by creating a knowledge bank which will last for the future enthusiasts and will be continuously be built and expanded upon. The knowledge and resources gathered over time will serve the enthusiasts in present and future alike, for future enthusiasts the resources will be a part of glorious legacy whose foundation can only be set in present. The efforts of SIG~Embedded subsequently can be helpful in spreading the knowledge gained, to students of other educational institutions be they higher centres of education or senior secondary schooling and thus also inspire and encourage them to start similar SIGs.