Click here
to download the Registration form.

Important Dates
Early Bird Registration
January 25 2006
Seminar Dates:
February 17-18 2006
Registration Fees
Payment must be made only through Demand Draft
drawn in favor of
NaSCoVIP 2006, DA-IICT payable at Gandhinagar.
(till January 25 2006) |
(after January 25 2006) |
IEEE Member |
Rs. 500 |
Rs. 650 |
Non Member |
Rs. 800 |
Rs. 1000 |
IEEE Membership (2006) + Registration |
Rs. 1700 |
Rs. 1850 |
Professionals |
Rs. 1250 |
Rs. 1500 |
Registration Procedure
By Post
Please write your Name, Email ID and Institute/College
behind the
DD and send it with the registration form to the address
given below for registration by post. The draft and form
should reach us no later than the deadlines mentioned above.
Till your registration form and DD reach NaSCoVIP Secretariat,
do email the DD details alongwith your Name, Email ID and
Organization/Institution to
Keep the subject as: Registration - NaSCoVIP 2006
Registration Forms and Registration
Fees should be sent to:
2006 Secretariat
(C/o Prof. Suman Mitra)
DA-IICT, Post Bag No.4
Near Indroda Circle
Gandhinagar-382 007. Gujarat.
Click here to
download the Registration form.
