Speakers |
Dr. Subhasis Chaudhuri
Dr. Subhasis Chaudhuri was born in Bahutali, India.
He received his B.Tech. degree in Electronics and Electrical
Communication Engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Kharagpur in 1985. He received the M.S. and
the Ph.D. degrees, both in Electrical Engineering, respectively,
from the University of Calgary, Canada and the University
of California, San Diego. He joined the IIT, Bombay in
1990 as an assistant professor and is currently serving
as the professor and head. He has also served as a visiting
professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
and the University of Paris XI. He is a fellow of the
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, the Indian
National Academy of Engineering, Indian Academy of Sciences
and the National Academy of Sciences, India. He is the
recipient of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Research Award for the
year 2001, and the Prof. SVC Aiya Memorial Award and the
Swarnajayanti Fellowship both in 2003. He received the
S.S. Bhatnagar Prize in engineering sciences for the year
2004. He is the co-author of the bookis 'depth from defocus:
a real aperture imaging approach', and 'motion-free super-resolution',
both published by Springer, NY. He has also edited a book
on 'super-resolution imaging' published by Kluwer Academic
in 2001. His research interests include image processing,
computer vision and multimedia. |
Dr. Bhabatosh Chanda
Dr. Bhabatosh Chanda was born in 1957. He received
B.E. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
and PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Calcutta
in 1979 and 1988 respectively. His research interest includes
Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision
and Mathematical Morphology. He has published more than
100 technical articles in refereed journals and conferences.
He has received `Young Scientist Medal' of Indian National
Science Academy in 1989, `Computer Engineering Division
Medal' of the Institution of Engineers (India) in 1998
and 'Vikran Sarabhai Research Award in 2002. He is also
recipient of UN fellowship, UNESCO-INRIA fellowship and
Diamond Jubilee fellowship of National Academy of Science,
India. He is fellow of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineers; the National Academy of Science, India; and
Indian National Academy of Engineering. He is currently
working as a Professor in Indian Statistical Institute,
Kolkata, India. |
Dr. Manjunath V. Joshi
Dr. Manjunath V. Joshi was born in 1961. He obtained
his B.E. from Mysore University in 1985 and M. Tech. from
IIT Mumbai in 1987-1989. He received his PhD from IIT
Mumbai 2004. He has been Associate Professor, DA-IICT
since July, 2005. Earlier he was teaching at GIT, Belgaum,
Karnataka (1985-2005). He was at University of Trento,
Italy as a Guest researcher. He also Visited University
of Hong Kong as an invited speaker
His PhD thesis was on Motion Free Super-Resolution Imaging.
He has got many publications in International Journals
and Conferences. He has also Co-authored a book on Motion-Free
Super-Resolution (Springer-NY). His research interests
are in the fields of Digital Image Processing, Computer
Vision, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communications. |
Dr. Suman K. Mitra
Dr. Suman K. Mitra obtained his Ph.D. from the Indian
Statistical Institute, Calcutta. Earlier to his current
position, he was with the Institute of Neural Computation
at the University of California, San Diego, USA as a post-graduate
researcher and with the Department of Mathematics at the
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay as an assistant
professor. He has 30 technical papers published in various
prestigious National and International Journals and Conferences.
He also has 2 US patents in his credit. His research interest
includes image processing, pattern recognition, Bayesian
networks and digital watermarking. He is a life member
of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and a member
of IEEE, IUPRAI, and ISFUMIP.He is currently working as
an Assistant Professor at the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute
of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar. |
Dr. Asim Banerjee
Dr. Asim Banerjee is currently working as an assistant
professor at the Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information
and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar. He obtained
B.E. in Electronics and M.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation.
Dr. Banerjee obtained PhD in the area of image processing
from IIT, Bombay. Before joing DA-IICT, Dr. Banerjee was
with several industries for 14 years working mainly as
researcher. His research interests include Digital Signal
Processing, Handwritten Signature Verification, MPEG4
and beyond and Medical Imaging. |
Dr. K S Venkatesh
Dr. K S Venkatesh graduated from BMS Engineering College,
Bangalore, in 1987, and completed his MTech and PhD at
IIT Kanpur in 1989 and 1995 respectively. He subsequently
worked in IIT Guwahati from 1995 to 1999. He has been
employed in the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT
Kanpur since 1999. His Research interests include Signal
and System theory, Signal and Image Processing, Video
Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision,
Robotics and any interesting problem in general |
Dr. Santanu Chowdhury
Dr. Santanu Chowdhury graduated in Electronics &
Tele-Communications Engineering from Jadavpur University,
Calcutta in 1982. He completed his M.Tech in Electrical
Engineering from IIT Madras in 1984. He designed parallel
processing architectures, realized digital systems ( PASIPS
& Vector Engine ) & developed signal & image
processing software from 1984 to 1997. He designed the
DLR airborne SAR real time processor at German Aerospace
Agency at Munich as a guest scientist in 1991. He was
involved in the Data Quality Evaluation of IRS payloads
in 1998. As Head, Advanced Image Processing Division,
he coordinated the activities related to Radiometric Characterization
& Image Processing for IRS Payloads & development
of software for Microwave Radiometer, Scatterometer &
SAR payloads. |
Dr. P K Srivastava
Dr. P.K. Srivastava obtained his Masters in Physico-Mathematical
Sciences with specialization in Applied Mathematics from
Friendship University, Moscow in 1979. He obtained his
PhD in Physico-Mathematical sciences from Peoples ‘Friendship
University, Moscow in 1983. He Coordinated software development
and evolved applications for IRS-1C/1D, TES, Cartosat-1,
resourcesat-1 & other payloads. Presently, as Group
Director, Signal & Image Processing Group, he is coordinating
the development of algorithms and software for INSAT-3C,
RISAT, Oceansat-2, Cartosat-2 & Chandrayan payloads.
His main research interests are in the fields of Satellite
Photogrammetry, Mapping from high resolution space imagery,
Satellite Surveying, Map Projections and Datum, modeling
of mono and stereo sensors with orbital and orientation
constraints, bundle adjustment for three line scanner.
He has carried out preparations of a Satellite Image Base
Map with DGPS based control at 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 scales.
He has prepared standards for digital maps for large scale
mapping at 1:10,000. He has defined countrywide control
network for preparation of ground control points library.
He has more than 50 publications in Indian and international
journals. He is life member of Indian Astronautics Society,
Indian National Cartographic Association, Indian Remote
Sensing Society, Indian Geomatics Society & Indian
Meteorological Society. |